Tuesday, September 15, 2009

That Tricksy Siward Boy.

Dearest Diary,
S.U.t.W. Part of the reason is that sketchy scoundrel, Young Siward. Diary, he has had me so worked up in a tizzy that my goals have lost their focus! I have been so heck-bent on revenge that I forgot about wooing my sweet dulce-de-MacLeche! Diary, I have been so remiss!

That low-lying Greensville spawn has had me so set on combat that I forgot my first love: Lady MacD and bleary-eyed romantic musings about Lady MacD! Diary, I have shelved my plans until further notice. As mean spirited as that note was, the feelings that Y.S. ascribed to Lady MacD must have had some sort of basis in reality! That will be the best revenge yet, I shall make it with Lady MacD and then thank Young Siward-Gainsville for bringing us together!

yes! YES! It could work...HAHAHAHA!!!!!!

I must set about wooing her with verse! First things first though, must set about listing attributes and poetic metaphors
  • Her smile: white picket fence
  • Her lips: Fluffy pink pillows
  • Her eyes: two new pennies
  • Her hair: the finest garnet thule
  • Her...um..."lady bits:" *
  • Her scent: blueberry pamcakes with boysenberry syrup and bacon...that one might get a bit long.

Oh well, Must continue later. I MUST have some of Cook's "Scrumptious Good Times" snickerdoodles, they always taste so good after getting poeticly lost in thought. Oh, Cinnamon.



* Diary, I couldn't bring myself to come up with an artful metaphor for Lady MacD's...well, you know. Must think about it and come up with one at a later date.


JessicaD said...


Your brilliance. It's so shiney. Sometimes it burns...but like a good burn...like a smooth whiskey on a september evening, by a scary cellar, without a chaser.

TheBlairZip said...

'dulce-de-MacLeche' might be the funniest thing I have ever read in my life.

...except for Blueberry Pamcake Day.