Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Must Conserve Pages

Dear Malcolm's Diary,

I have laid such a siege to your virgin pages today! And how! My pen has ravished your pure, pristene silence into most clamorous voice again and again and again! On a related note...still unknown to woman.

the combined excitement of my particularly decadent breakfast with Lady Lennox's entrancing pen left me quite tuckered; I took a well-deserved nap. What dreams, dear Diary! I was trouncing through a darkened wood terribly lost and frightened, when I happened upon such a site! A talking Narwhal! The Narwhal was astride that most splendid of magical beasts! That paragon of cryptozoological apparitions! Dear Diary, it was the manly unicorn! I attempted my approach so as not to scare off the creatures when I stepped in a pile of the unicorn's "gleaming leavings." Unable to contain my glee, my cries of joy alerted the pair to my presence. The Narwhal (I believe his name was Benson) bugled with his magical horn (I didn't know they could do that!) and told me, "Young Prince Malcolm, thou hast been granted favor with us. I shall grant you what your heart most desires..." In my excitement, I woke myself - heart all a-flutter! Could he mean a kiss from Lady McD?! I do not know. I must practice, as my time may come soon. Well, diary, I must conclude. My teddy and I have much work ahead of us. Perhaps after practice a manly stroll is in order? Followed by more of Cook's pancakes. Yes.

Fare thee well!

1 comment:

JessicaD said...

Please don't ever leave me.

"I have laid such a siege to your virgin pages today! And how! My pen has ravished your pure, pristene silence into most clamorous voice again and again and again"

I have just significantly LOLLED at the RefDesk.

Naughty Librarian! Bad! BAD Repressed Librarian!

And oddly? This is the SECOND mention that has appeared to me of a Narwhal today. Also, (and Fearless Leader can vouch for this) I have been asking him to get me a unicorn ALL DAY. So he made me one out of a horse, a carrot, tape and sparkly pink paint. And photoshop.